A Knitter’s Legacy

Lo, these many years ago, my mother taught me to knit. As a fumble-fingered seven-year-old, I produced a tiny red doll scarf with a fair number of unintended holes. I wouldn’t pick up knitting needles again until I was twelve. A brand-new auntie, I wanted to...

Knitting Buddies

I first discovered the joy of knitting with friends when my husband was stationed at Ft. Gordon, Georgia. I joined the prayer shawl ministry of our church, Holy Comforter Episcopal because I love to knit and I hoped to make some friends. The ladies of the Hands of...

Listening to the Yarn

This past summer, I bought some yarn in lovely, smokey fall colors, thinking to make another version of the simple asymmetrical shawl I had just finished. Several rows into the project, however, it was clear that this yarn and that pattern were not meant for each...