Whenever people ask me how things are going with my writing (and I love that they keep asking), I tell them that I’m closer to publication than I’ve ever been before. The past few years I’ve been able to back up that claim with being a finalist in a contest, winning that contest, pitching to agents who asked for full manuscripts, getting helpful feedback from those agents. Today I can tell you that I’m a giant step closer to publication. Last week I received an offer of representation from Ali Herring of Spencerhill Associates. This week I signed the contract with my proud husband snapping pictures to capture the momentous occasion.
The Book
Although I’ve only blogged about The Heavenly Hugs Prayer Shawl Ministry, I have two novels completed (there are actually more than that, but no-one should have to suffer through my practice novels). This year I decided to pitch both novels at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference–the prayer shawl book and Grandma Ruth Doesn’t Go to Funerals, a cozy Southern mystery. As a result, I received a request for the full manuscript of the prayer shawl book from an editor and a request for a synopsis and the first three chapters of the Grandma Ruth book from an agent.
I sent them both off and settled back into writing, as I knew it would be months before I heard back from anyone. Ha! Less than a week later, Ali Herring asked me to send her the full manuscript of Grandma Ruth Doesn’t Go to Funerals. Just a few weeks after that, I was on the phone with her, hearing those longed-for words, “I would like to offer you representation.”
What Does This Mean?
Above all, this means that I now have an advocate in the publishing world. Gone are the days when an author could send her work directly to a publisher for consideration. Publishers simply don’t have the time or the energy to look at every book that comes flying their way, especially now that we writers have laptops that allow us to fire off stories faster than ever. Editors now depend on agents to cull through the offerings and bring them the best that they can find. It means that I have someone who will show my work to editors, help me navigate the publishing world, negotiate deals and contracts, look out for my best interests, and guide me as I build a career as an author.
I’m also finding that this means having another person in my life who challenges me to grow. One of the first things Ali asked me to do was to get on Twitter. I have to admit, the foot-in-mouth tweets of various famous people–not naming names, here, but you know who I mean–had put me off. What if I fired off something terrible in my sleep? What if something I said was misconstrued? What if I couldn’t figure out how to even sign up? But this was my agent asking, so I tried and y’all, it was actually easy. My first tweet is out there and people like it! You can now find me on Twitter @SJ_Mondragon.
Thank You!
I am grateful to those of you who have continued to encourage and to pray for me on this long and difficult journey. Even though I now have an agent, I still need the advocacy of your prayers. Be sure that I will keep you posted. Right now, I’m working on the revisions Ali needs by Monday so she can get the book to publishers before the book world shuts down for the holidays. Yes, I need your prayers this weekend!

O Happy Day! Signing with Spencerhill
Grandma Ruth! Wow! Praying for you this weekend! GO SIS!!!!
Thanks, sister dear. Your support means so much!
I am so excited for you! Your message is even closer to meeting the world! Love you!