Are You Up for an Adventure?

We Are Called to Adventure My debut novel, The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady, is about what happens when a group of prayer shawl knitters step out of their comfort zone to knit their shawls, not in the quiet prayer chapel at their church, but at a busy mall during...

And the Best is Yet to Come!

Dear Readers, Today is Launch Day for my debut novel, The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady! I’m listening to “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring” as I type this–it captures the deep joy and gratitude filling my heart. I’ve looked forward to...

Purls and Prayers I

“And we have lift-off!” I remember Walter Cronkite’s voice narrating that exciting moment of the rocket launches of my childhood. The engines roared and the powerful flames pushed the huge rocket up, up, and away into the sky. This is the image that...

One Hundred Days to Pray

In one hundred days, The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady will be released into the world! In publishing, release day is also called Launch Day. I’ve been thinking and planning all the ways I can fuel this launch, so the message of this book can fly high and...


Writers do a lot of daydreaming. We daydream about our characters and their stories, filling our minds and challenging our imaginations with “What ifs?” And once we have a publishing contract, we think a great deal about what it will be like to hold this...

Breaking News!

At last, I have more to share about my publishing journey. It has been a busy few months! In August, with the indispensable help of my agent, Ali Herring, I joined the ranks of Kregel Publishing House authors. In September, I met my editor, Jean Bloom, via Zoom and we...