In one hundred days, The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady will be released into the world! In publishing, release day is also called Launch Day. I’ve been thinking and planning all the ways I can fuel this launch, so the message of this book can fly high and travel far. Website tweaking, social media posts, press releases, putting together a launch team (more about that in a later post)–I’ve been consumed with and worried about being able to do these well, tech-challenged as I am.

Yesterday, however, I was sitting in a church Zoom meeting, listening to my sisters in Christ give thanks for God’s goodness over the past month. It came over me that preoccupied as I have been with all these modern methods of promoting a book, I was in danger of forgetting that what truly fuels a ministry is prayer. Concerted, surrendered, fervent prayer. The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady is about a ministry, and I hope it will inspire ministry. For me, writing itself is a ministry, reaching out to touch people with a sense of the love and care of God.

So I’m asking for your prayers–for the success of this book, not merely in copies sold, but in hearts touched, challenged, and changed.
Will you join me in infusing the next hundred days with prayer to prepare the way for the message of this book?