What is World Wide Knit in Public Day?

Knitting is often a solitary activity. We knit on the couch while we watch TV or listen to a book or podcast. If the pattern is difficult, we may knit in silence. Relative silence, anyway, as we coach ourselves through challenging instructions and techniques. Some of us knit with others on a regular basis. We go to open knit nights at our local yarn shop or knit at church with our prayer shawl group. But on World Wide Knit in Public Day, knitters from all over the world gather to knit in public spaces like parks, malls, and coffee shops. This international event, started by Danielle Landes in 2005, has become the largest knitter-run event in the world.


Why knit in public? To draw attention to the craft? To show that knitting is not a dying art? To inspire others to learn? Granted, knitting in public can accomplish those goals. The main purpose of this special day, however, is to help people see that knitting can be a community activity. It brings people together. And you don’t even have to be a knitter to benefit from others knitting in public spaces.

How do I know?

In 2009, I joined the prayer shawl group at my church. While most such groups meet in their churches, our pastor required that we practice our ministry in public. We gathered around a table in the cafe of the local health food store to knit in Tuesday mornings, in front of God and everybody. As we talked and laughed and enjoyed each others’ company, we added something warm and friendly to the atmosphere in the cafe. Shoppers stopped by to ask what we were making, often telling us of a cherished relative who also made things with yarn and needles. It was delightful to answer the questions of curious children and see their eyes light up at the prospect of someday learning to knit, too. And we saw faces soften as we explained the purpose of the shawls we were making–to comfort and encourage others amid the challenges of life.

What will you do?
This Saturday, June 12, 2021 is World Wide Knit in Public Day. Even in these pandemic times, we can meet outside, appropriately distanced, but still together. I’ll be meeting up with some of my knitting buddies to help bring a sense of joy, peace, and community to the people who will be out and about on Saturday. I hope you’ll gather some of your friends to do the same!

To learn more about World Wide Knit in Public Day, visit www.wwkipday.com

The Hands of Comfort Prayer Shawl Ministry at Earth Fare Cafe!