We Did it!

Hey, y'all, we did it! I'm thrilled to announce that Kregel Publications, a small but mighty Christian publishing house, is going to publish The Heavenly Hugs Prayer Shawl Ministry! That's me in the picture, signing the contract last evening. Thank you so much for...

The Scraps of Beauty Lap Robe Pattern

Last week, I introduced you to Jeannie Taylor and the lap robe she created using the strips of crochet she found in a bag of donated yarn. I promised to share her pattern with you. I hope it will encourage you to listen to those nudges and ideas from God. I hope it...

Scraps of Beauty

Knitters have been busy while sheltering in place. On Facebook, I've seen pictures of UFOs (Unfinished Objects) that have languished in drawers, closets, and the bottom of knitting bags for months or even years, completed at last. What a boost to finish a project! It...

Banana Faith

I've been thinking ("You're always thinking," my husband says). While there have been many things to worry about during this time of pandemic and sheltering in place, my worries have all taken up residence in the issue of grocery shopping. Early on, I arrived at "my"...

A Heavenly Hug

Like many sheltering in place knitters, I've been tapping into my stash for yarn for prayer shawls these days. A few weeks ago I pulled out some yarn has been unable to tell me what it wants to be for three years. As I tried again with this pattern and that pattern, I...

Knitting in the Time of Corona Virus

This new virus seems to be far-reaching, not only as it spreads across the world, but as trying to control its spread reaches into our lives. We've been told that the best thing most of us can do is stay home. In staying home, we have a choice to make. Do we let fear,...